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child [2017/04/17 22:32]
admin created
child [2020/10/19 13:17] (current)
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 The model is continuously scalable using Gebod derived data for anthropometry and Kriging interpolation. Material properties can also be scaled (experimental). The scaling can easily be performed using the [[framework|PIPER framework]]. The model response was checked against most existing sources for child biomechanical response to impact.  The model is continuously scalable using Gebod derived data for anthropometry and Kriging interpolation. Material properties can also be scaled (experimental). The scaling can easily be performed using the [[framework|PIPER framework]]. The model response was checked against most existing sources for child biomechanical response to impact. 
-Both model and all response verification were release under an Open Source license (GPLv3 +liability and Open Science clauses) end of April 2017.+Both model and all response verification are released under an Open Source licenses (Model: GPLv3 +liability and Open Science clauses, response setups: Creative Commons CC-BY-4.0)
 +Selecting this license and providing and the setups used to check the response of the model is hoped to help reproducibility of simulation processes. 
 +Additional contributions by third parties include the conversion to a pedestrian model in Ls-Dyna (PDB), its translation into Pamcrash (pedestrian version, PDB) and its translation to Radioss (occupant model, Altair). 
 +===== Where to find it? ===== 
 +  * see the [[downloads|download page]] 
child.1492461154.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/04/17 22:32 by admin