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-====== Release of metadata for the GHBMC M50 V4.5 model ======+===== Preemie body shapes ===== 
 +Preemie body shapes representing the 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles were developed by Karin Brolin, Victor Alvarez and August Brandberg from They will be/were presented at the 2024 Ircobi conference. 
 +They are available under the same license as the PIPER child in [[downloads|downloads]] and at [[]]
-The metadata were updated for the GHBMC model V4.5 by CEESAR. They are available at the link below. +{{:preemies.png?200|}}
-[[|Download here]]+
-Public Announcement 2019-05-10+===== Small PIPER Child pedestrian model update ===== 
 +The total mass of the model was adjusted to match the EuroNCAP protocol requirement (it was slightly higher). The instrumentation was also updated to match developments made by TU Berlin on the occupant.  
 +It was verified that the changes did not have an effect on the response and the new model tested for the protocol TB024 and used to define new corridor. 
 +A great thank you to Jeremie Peres (PDB) for that contribution. 
 +The updates were uploaded to the gitlab and tagged v1.0.2. 
 +===== Metadata GHBMC M60-O v6.0 ===== 
 +The GHBMC M50-O metadata were updated to version 6.0 by Univ. Eiffel (formerly Ifsttar).  
 +You can download them in the [[metadata|Metadata section]] and let the project know if you have problems. 
 +===== Migration of the gitlab to ===== 
 +The PIPER git repositories were moved to moved to  
 +It is now again possible to an account to report issues or to participate. 
 +Everything was imported except the username of the original poster for old issues. 
 +===== Problem with the gitlab user accounts ===== 
 +We have been having problems with our for a little while now repository: 
 +  * some users have disappeared  
 +  * new users cannot register 
 +We were hoping for a solution in the same place but it is not going to happen and we will need to migrate. 
 +Until we move (we would like to keep most of the information including the posts, usernames if possible so it may take a little while), please use the contact info on [[about|this page]] to ask questions if needed. 
 +Sorry about the inconvenience. 
 +===== Metadata GHBMC F05-O v5.1 ===== 
 +Metadata developed at the University of Waterloo for the GHBMC F05-O v5.1 HBM used for the repositioning and smoothing module. Many thanks to HONDA R&D Americas for sponsoring this work. Download them in the [[metadata|Metadata section]] 
 +{{ :ghbmc-f05-0_v5.1_piper_1.1.0.png?nolink&100 |}} 
 +===== PIPER Child model available in Radioss ===== 
 +A Radioss version of the PIPER child occupant model is now available.  
 +The model is provided with PIPER metadata. It can be used in the PIPER software (please use the version 1.1.0). 
 +Many thanks to Altair for performing the translation from Ls-Dyna to Radioss and for creating the Radioss rule file. You will find the model in the [[downloads|download]] section. The rule file is now included in the standard PIPER software distribution. 
 +{{ :child_radioss_dyna.png?nolink&400 |Child model in Radioss/Hyperview (left) and Dyna/LsPrepost (right)}} 
 +===== PIPER 1.1.0 ===== 
 +A new release of the PIPER software (version 1.1.0) is available. A compiled Windows version is available in the [[downloads|Downloads]] section. 
 +It introduces several improvements and new features for the Kriging module, such as homogeneous decimation of control points, experimental mesh-to-mesh registration tool to ease generating control points, cleaner user interface and others. 
 +Other changes include improved "element quality" tool user interface, additional selection tools and camera controls and some bug fixes. 
 +Additionally, a format rules file for the Radioss FE solver is now provided (written by Altair). The format rule is written using a new feature of the Piper's parser: regular expression keywords. They allow to specify more complex rules, including keywords that are defined by a variable parameter on the same line as the keyword itself. You can find more details in the documentation in the "Multi Finite Element Format Parser" section. 
 +All changes are summarized in the [[|changelog]]. 
 +===== PIPER 1.0.3 ===== 
 +New version of the PIPER software. 
 +You can download it in the [[downloads|Downloads]] section.  
 +It should solve some issues with the child model scaling and a few others, adds batch mode for Kriging. See the [[|changelog]] for full list of changes. 
 +===== Metadata GHBMC M50-O v5.0 ===== 
 +Metadata provided by PIPER for the GHBMC-M50-O were updated to the v5.0 of the model. 
 +Download them in the [[metadata|Metadata]] section. 
 +===== PIPER Child Pedestrian model in Pamcrash ===== 
 +A Pamcrash version of the pedestrian model was just released in a Pamcrash version. 
 +Thanks to PDB and ATD Models for the work! 
 +You can download it in the [[downloads|Downloads]] section. (2019-09-09) 
 +===== Metadata GHBMC M50-O v4.5 ===== 
 +Metadata provided by PIPER for the GHBMC-M50-O were updated to the v4.5 of the model. 
 +Download them in the [[metadata|Metadata]] section.
 ===== PIPER used in five studies shown at Ircobi in September ===== ===== PIPER used in five studies shown at Ircobi in September =====
start.1557497336.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/05/10 16:08 by admin